Who: Passion Pit
Hail from: Cambridge, Massachusetts
Active: 2007 to Current
Sounds like: Sped up Postal Service who emotes with fabricated, off key (but fun) falsettos and a dash of ass shaking.
Even If You Don't, You Do is up again. Format and how I'm going to get the music out there is still a work in progess, but I got tired of not sharing the love. For those who don't know I had some post removed due to complaints from some label or organization. I'm really sorry I was giving your artist free press. I was disheartened for awhile and kindly bowed out of the blogosphere. Wounds licked, I'm back an to spread my music loving seed all over your face!
I’ve been digging on Passion Pit for awhile, but figured I had to reboot my music blog somewhere. I really like them on 1st listen with Sleepyhead, their big breakout single. It reminds me of a somewhat more electronic TV on the Radio. The rest of the album felt a little more Postal Service…at least in tempo. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. However, having it on my iPod in a playlist of newer albums, it really grew on me. I actually love them now. I think this is a band that may take a few listens to really dig. I think part of what threw me off is the lead singer's constant slightly altered off key falsettos. At first, they just seem a little off key, but after several listens they totally add to the happy party dancey feel of the album. Chunk of Change, the bands 1st EP was released in September 2008. Its a tight complete EP. There really are not any weak tracks on the album. To my surprise their LP, Manners released in May 2009, was not the EP with a couple added tracks. The only repeat offender is their hit Sleepyhead which was understandably added to bring in any new cummers from the blog buzz. Adding to their strength is the fact that Manners is not more of the same. If feels like a continued evolution of what began on Chunk of Change. It feels a little more mature, a little more arty, without losing its original appeal. Once again I think Manners takes a couple listens to really dig it, but I think they are worth the time. Check them out.
On a trivia side note: According to Last.fm Chunk Of Change was originally intended as a Valentine’s Day gift from Michael Angelakos (lead vocals) to his girlfriend.
~Sorry baby, I gave your Valentine to the music whores of the world.
Passion Pit - Sleepyhead
Passion Pit - Little Secrets
For those in Austin, Passion Pit will be playing Wednesday 6/3 at Emo's with Harlem Shakes.